All geographic analysis was done in ArcGIS and ArcCatalog, All data layers were projected in UTM -Nad 1987 coordinate

The final result map of vineyards site selection is a function of 3 main and seperate layers

  1. Solar radiation suitability
    The solar radiation intensity greatly influences the level of soluble solid in grapes. When inadeque solar radiation condition occure due to cloudy weather, desirable sugare may not be reached. The growers can conpensate for low solar radiation to some extend by thinning to give a higher ratio of leaves to fruite. and through the use of trellies designs which allows maximum light penetration into the vines.
  2. Growing degree suitability
    The growing of most variates of grapes requires a large accumulation of growing degree days to permit the fruite to rippen. the insufficient growing degree day reduces the suger level of the grapes and the alchohol level of the produced wine.
  3. Soil drainage suitability
    vines are very sensitive to moisture. Heavier soils with too much clay content, especially on flatter terrain are not appropriate, since they reduce root development and tend to hold too much moisture in wet periods. Ideally the soil should be clay/loam or sandy/loam with considerable moisture drainage.

The final map then was produced as a function of the above criteria. since the solar radiation in mind of many growers seems to be the most important factor among the other two it was given double the weight of the others. So the final result equals to
2 * [solar radiation suitability] + [growing degree day suitability] + [soil drainage suitability].

click here to see the final vineyard suitability map..