Climate Stations data
The climate data used was produced by
of California. Data can be downloaded in Comma Separated
Values (CSV) from their website. It contains air maximum
temperature and air minimum temperature and solar radiation.
The data can be formatted in either Metric or English format.
Solar radiation data was available in two units "Watts
per sq meter" and "Langleys". I downloaded
the data with Langleys units and then imported them to the
Microsoft Access database and using a SQL query I changed
the units from Langleys to Mega Joules per sq Meter by using
the following conversion factor MJ/m^2 = Langleys/23.9.
Elevation data:
This data was available for download from
US Geological Survey Website
in DEM format but the boundary used to create the grid was
generalized and so I had to cut out the GRID from the original
DEM with a more accurate boundary file.
Major roads:
Major roads layer for the state of california was available
for download on the
California's government website. Data is in 1:100,000 scale.
I cut out the major roads of the Napa and made a separate layer.
Boundary files
Boundary file for the Napa was produced from the soil parcel layer.
all the parcels were merged to make the boundary layer.
Soil Data
Soil data was available for download from the
US Geological survey website.
The data was in 1:20,000 format and UTM NAD87
About the Projection of data.
the data files mentioned above are or were projected to NAD87